Be at ease with your business security with

SMB Cyber Security

Have confidence in your SMB Cyber Security

Many small business owners don’t put much thought into cybersecurity – when they really should. Do you have some employees that like to click all over the place and open all sorts of strange emails? Don’t leave the future of your business in the hands of hackers.

Not having a safety net can make you feel uncertain about the future when you should be planning for it.

Don’t leave cyber security to antivirus

Viruses, malware, spyware, adware… A lot is going on nowadays. Believe it or not, stacking a bunch of antiviruses (McAfee, Norton, ESET, etc.) on your computer doesn’t make you more protected.

As a matter of fact, leaving your business’ safety at the hands of an (often free) program can end up pretty badly.

Having Wi-Fi is great! – said the hacker

Let’s be honest – we couldn’t function well without reliable Wi-Fi in our business environment. We use it during meetings, on our phones, tablets, laptops, and clients need to have access, too.

Don’t leave yourself and them vulnerable to breaches.
Create guest access to keep your business safe and make sure you are using stable, reliable versions. We’ll help you on the way.

Beware of email threats

There are so many flavors of hackers out there nowadays – all looking to dip into your small business. Some send bulk emails hoping to catch some unsuspecting employees; some try to get access to your company files; some go the extra mile to fool you or your colleagues.

Training employees well is one of the most efficient ways of protecting your business.

Ever had a virus scare? Learn more about how to identify the correct issue

SMBs are especially vulnerable to breaches. Learn how to act in case it happens to yours.

A complete business IT security package includes:

How you can get help:

PRO can create layered security for your business to make sure every facet is protected.

1. We create a customized plan based on your specific business type and threats

2. We implement small business friendly IT security features that don’t require a lot of maintenance

3. We keep managing backups and keep an eye on your safety

start feeling better about your business’ security today